Ier.i 4, Prov,7. Mat.12.ILs Reline in `1)utiet d4ngerous, touthes,yet they hope for their frequency in theredut ies,tábe faved,though their prayers Rill return like Noabi Dove at the firft empty, bringinghome no treafure from Heaven to the foule, though they returne from the word and Sacrament, as the children ofthe Noblesin yeremy,from the pits, with their pitchersempty, yet they eatrcr thernfelvesand hope for this tobe Paved, as the Harlot in Salomon for her peace-offering,but as theman at the wedding feail without his wedding gar- ment, though at the feafl,was bound hand and foot and caft into outer darkneffe; thus men ufìng holy duties , comming toChrifts wedding feaft, flaying in the duty and not putting on Chrift, will be caft intoutter darkneffe at the laft. Many deale in thisbehalfe with Chrift, as other wedding guefts do with the Bridegroome, they arc invited, they accompany the Bridegrooms, they fee and heare the wedding, but they receivehim not in wedlock, becaufe either theÿ are already married, or elk there is no contrae between:, them and the Bridcgroomc ; thus Chrift invitethmen to holy duties, his weddingfeaft, they accompany Chrift to the feaft, to the Banquetting-houfe, they goe along withhim in the ule of the duties, but further they goenot, they are already wedd:d to the world, and to fomc luft of theirs, at leaft they have no matrimoniali love to Chrift, they take him not to husband, they returnewithout him : Now as it were a great folly in a woman toperfwade her(elfe, that filch a manwereher bus= band, and that all his dignities and richeswere hers, becaufe fhewasat his wedding feafk : thus it is a great deceit in man to hope that Chrift ishis, that falvation and all thebenefits of Chrift are his, becaufe he hath bin at Chrifls wedding feaft, donethe fatted duties, but not taking Chrift in wedlock to his fouls ; theufe ofholyduties, do no further give man hope offalvation, then asthey takenmanofffrom the world, emp- ty a Manoften and ofhimfelfe; efpoufe man to. Chrift, derive and draw from,and fill the foul with Chriflsfùllnes,and make Chrift more gloriousand amiable in manna prchenfïon ; and thus you feeá fewofthe many rottenand fandy foundations, wheruponcattail manbuilds his hopes offalvation.. CHAP.