Preparation to Orig. C K AP. XX. Shelving how a Man may difierne the foundneffecfhró Hope. THe carnall mans having no hope of falvation, building j his hopesupon rotten and deceitfull pillars, miniftersoc- cafion to every man to fee that he build his hopesof falvation by Chrift upon frmcand fare grounds, and that he have cicare and lively evidence hereof in himfelfe, The Z +teftion therefore herewill be, how a man may dif terne thetruth and foundncsof his hope? For anfwer where- unto you muff know that whereoftrue and found hopeis, there is, I. A preparation fitting anddi#ofing of the whole man to Chrifi and the thitrgs of Christ?, for Christ?, and the f rvieeof Chri.$t : This the Apoftle cals a guirding up of the !Dinesof the mind, 'gird ip (faith he) the lo-ines ofyour mind, and hope perfeíily : Doe as travellers that weare long garments, as they girdup their garments, that they may not hinder and tire them to their travel!, that theymaywalke freely andcheer- fully in their journey : Thus take off your heartsand thoughts from the world , disburthen yourfeives ofall carnall lufts,and worldly diftra tions,raife your thoughts anddefies to Chrift, and the things of Chrift, oft afide all impediments,and come fpeedily, fully, freely, and joyfully unto Chriff. It is Paid of. - Rehechah,having refolved to joyne her fclfe in wedlocke with Ifaack, upon the motion of Eleaer, flbrahams fervant, that fherofeupandher o damo%Is, and they rode upon Camelsandfol- lolìred=the man. The fouls being uponThe motion and perfwa- fion cfGods lvlinifter, refolved to take Chriff to Husband, andhaving a{fured hope of enjoying everlafting confortIll ip with Chrift, rifèth up from the earth, and all the faculties, Thoughts and affetions thereof rife together with it, and come fpcedily, not flowlybut on horfebackc, with all read i- neffe . Preplratíon to C iíì.