412 a,Study and praûife of holinel%. i Iohn ;.HolyPati_ aloe. Ifa.S. i . Study of Holineffe.. ,Codlineffe. mire to Chrif, following the holy and wholfome inftruaion of Gods Minifters, f e forfskes (as the Pfalmift fdíth) her fa- thers houfe, and forgetteth her owns people, rejedeth her old waycs, cuttomes, and carnali acquaintance, and commeth unto Chria in her garment of needle- worke, prepared and beautified by Gods Spirit : The more a man cloth hope in Chrift,themore he prepares himfelfe for Chrift, the mare ful- ly heapplyes himfelfe to Chrift, and the more he ftrives for full communion with Chrift. 2. There is anearneft and confttant,findy and prallifeof holi- nere. Hope of falvation by Chrift works conformity with Chrilt : Every man (faith Saint Sohn) that bath thishope, pu- rifteth himfelfe as Chrift ùpure. He that bath molt hopeofbe- ing Paved, is molt laborious to be fandified; whofoever hash this hope, (inne is the fowleft fpot in his eye, the heavieft burthen tohis backe, and the molt troublefome inmate in the houfe of his foule ; and thereforehe putteth himfelfe to it to theutmoft topurge this out, and againe holinefl'e is to his eye the moft glorious Starre, tohis nofihrill the fweeteft flower, inhis eltimation the choifea pearls, and the noblelt crowne, and therefore ftrives toexcell in this ; and tobe like Chrift, is takenby him for the greateft happineffe ; he that faith, he hopes to be Paved, and yet labours not tobe fans ified, doth but dreameand not hope, whofoever waits for Heaven waits for it in the wayof fandification. . 3. There is a holy patience towards god. The foule conftant- ly and quietly cleaving to the Lord, in feeking and waiting for all bltffeand happineffe from the Lord, though fix the pre- fent exercifed withmany temptationsand tryals, and having it's comfort many times eclipfed and much obfured, never repining againft God, never preferibing toGod, never ftep pingafide to any forbidden manesfrom God, bu: quieting it felfe in the will ofGod, waitingupon theLord xi+benhe hides his faceionshim,andlookingfor him, as he that bath Peen the Sun in the day time, and bath allured hope of the Suns returne, waits for him patiently in the dark& night, until' his riling and re-appearing :thushethat bath felt the light ofGods coun- tenance fhiningupon him, andbath allured hope of the fen- , fible,