Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

foy in God. Holy Security. 413 fibletreturne ofGods favour, waits for it with patience iruthe darkefl night of his diftrefle, being affeered that hu angerendu- Kai 3o. rethhut amoment, andthat in his favour is life, that weepingmay endure for a night, but ioy commeth in the morning. He that bath the moil aflàred hope ofreceiving good things fromGod, is1 befit able to quiet hitnfeife in the will.of God : Mans hope of' enjoying future comforts doth-very much mitigate and fwecren mans pre lent íorrowes : If we hopefor that wefee not, Rom.8.:1, then (faith Saint Paul) doeWe Withpatience wait for it. 4. There is ioy and delight in Codand Chrift. He that af#u áDel fight in redly hopes and waits for the receiving of all good frothGod Gcd& Chr,û. and Chrift,for a fuhl,a fweet,and everlafting communion with God and Chrift,cannot but rejoyceand delight himfelfinGod and Chrift : The betrothed woman whichbath affuredhopes of enjoying a comfortable wedlockewith fuch a man, bath many joyfullthoughtsof' him ; the betrothed foule affuredly hoping for a comfortable, honourablt, and everlafling wed- locke with Chrift, bathmany joyfull and foule- ravifhing me- ditations touching Chrift, rejoycing anddelighting in him as . in the root which gives him life, as in theSun which fends him light, as in the treafure where he finds all riches,as in the Paradìfe whereinhe meets with all comforts, and as in the flrke which beares him up in every deluge ; Chrift is the onely joy of fuch as hope in him, reioyeinQ in hope ofthe glory Rota.ç.n. of God, and being begotten again to a lively hope, re rejoice therein with ioy glorious and uns eakable, His hopes in Chrift aredreatnes, falChcods, and carnall prefumptions, who doth not delight himfelfe in the Lord Iefius. S. There is holy Security and boldnej'e ofheart, and a fweet ç. Holy fccu- acquiefcence in the favour of God Jiining upon the roule through rity. theface of 7efuo Chrifi, inabling a man topoffefle his foule in peace and patience in the midft ofall troubles , as the (hip lyeth f feat anker in the haven, in the midit of the ftorn y t'empeft ; inabling man after many difficulties,and (harp con- flic`ls to fly, Return: unto thy reft, O my foule, for the Lord Pú1$16, bath dealt bountifully with thee ; apprehending God as a Father, Chrift as aHusband, the promufeofGod as a firme and fure rocke to fupport him,the AttributesofGod as fo many Chry-I' H h ftall t