Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

-°--- 414 High thought' of Chriff. flail flreames to refrefh him, as fo many beaniesofthe hlghell and moft glorious Sun towarme him, as fo many hiding pla- ces tofhsdowand fhelter him, and all the feverall altsand paffages of Gods providence, as fo many outgoings of Gods love and mercy towards him, canting him toglory in tribula- tion, knoWing that tribulation worketh patience, andpatienceex- Rom .s.;. perience , and experience hope , and hope anake,th not afea. med. 6. Lilly, in a word, where true Chriftian.hope is, it makes a. man thinke humbly ofhimfelfe, and highly of Chrift, hoping for nothingfrom himfeifbut for all things fromChrift,it emp- tieth man of himfelfe, and caufethhim to fetch all fom the fülneffe of Chrift ; it caufeth him to have his whole dopen dance upon Chriflxas the houfe upon the rock; depending, upon him for life to quicken him, wifedome to dire& him, power to uphold him, righteoufneffe to juftifie him, holi- nefte to fanftifie him, mercy to forgive him, peace to quiet . him, and blefling to make all fucceffefull to him,&c. True. Pfal.;t.a 4. hopemakes a man, a man of courage in all holy undertakings,, in theopen profeflionof God and his Teflimonies, in the pa- tient tolleration ofall affli&ions,. in the Chriftian and con- flaw abidingofall reproaches and contradictions for the Lord. Jefus : This inablesmantopoffeflehisfouleinahoy Hence, when the world loades him with the heavyburden of many PC 3 s 14,1 5 rwrongsand injuries, this fils him with fervent and f equent. 'Prayers, and fupplications. ; the more he tr .hopes,the rehe prayer, and the fwceter anfwer he receiveth to thePetition which his foule maketh, hope of finding much quickens. and firengthens man in Peeking, uufained hope inGod isever attended with fomecomfortable manifcflation of' God. God. willnot leave that foule in darkncffe which, hopes in rtis mer- cies, the hoping fouleever meetswithmatter of prayfes and, rejoycings after long forrowes and patient waitings.. CHAP.