(Maw effraagensent fromGod. CHAP. XXI. 415 sheaving thecarnal] man in his corrupt effete rdaltogether alienated from God. THe fifth and Iafl Alienation, declaringthe carnal! mans mifery, is an Alienation from God, Without Cod in tke World. Atheifls,either not beleeving therewas any God at all, or not beleeving aright, but imbracing andadoring an Idoli, in {leadcf the true God ; hut inas much as neither theEphe- flans, nor other gentiles werevoid ofall Religion ; but all ac- knowledged and adored forne Deity, how doth the Apoflle call them Atheills, and fay they werewithout God in the world? Anfiv. t They were without the Scriptures, the light by which God ihineth from above into thefoules of men, the fpirituall and heavenly glafi"e bywhichGod doth reveale, and Phew himfelfe plainlyand clearlyuntoman; andbeing with-. out the wordofGod, they were without God, as Ifraelbe- ing Without 4p-whine. Trieft, andwithout LaWV, is faid tohave ; z Chro.i p.p. beenWithout the true god. He that is without the word is alfo without God. 2. They werewithout the know/edgeof God, as the blinde is without theSun, they walkedin the vanity of their minde, ham &ph.4, r 8. vine their underflanding darkened, being alienated from the lifeof god through the ignorance that is in them. 3. They had falfe opinions of God, their apprehenfons of God were corrupt and carnali, that which they apprehended was not the true God, but an Idoli, their foolifh heart was dar- Rom.i. kened, and they changed the glory of the incorruptible rod into an Imagemade liketo corruptible man : And as an I doll is nothing, of no divine power and verme, fo the Apoflle re- puteth their opinions, and adorationsof God as nothing,and faith they were without God : Not God, but an idoll is the obje5l of fuperflitious odoration. 4. They knew not, beleeved not, loved not, adorednot Cod H a in