Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

` 4t6 Iohn a. z a, DoEf. g. Pfal,;6.a. Pfal.y;. Xfans effrangementfrom god. i in Chaff ; God is no where rightly and truly known,: and served but in Christ ; whatfueve is adoredout ofChriR, is an Idoll, and not God ; He that is without Chrifl, is with- out God ; noman comes to t ;od, that makes not Christ the t way ; no man knowes God, that beholds him not in the face ofChrift , He that denyes the Sonne hath net the Father (faith Saint7ohn) And thus they were without God in the world ; andhence obferve, That, ci[Tan in his corrupt and carnal' effate ù altogether effranged ifoom god, he hash nothing of God within him, God Both 'not shine into his heart, God lives not graciously in his foule, God works not powerfùlly and lovingly upon him : He hath no fpirituall commerce and communion with God ; he is eftranged from the thought of God, god (faith the Pfalmier) not in all his thoughts, he thinks not uponGod as upon the Creator that formed him, as upon the rocke that fupporteth him, as upon the King commanding him, as upon the Mo- derator dtfpenfing and ordering him, and all things elfe, as upon the Judge rendring to every man according to his . works; butall his thoughts are, that there is no God;no God beholding, obferving, regiftring and judging the wayes and works of man The foule of every carnali man isoverw hel- med with Atheifine, running headlong into all impiety, as if there were no God to punishhim he is.alienated from the feare of God ; he is full of dishonourable, low, and unwor- thy apprehenfionsofGod, ready to faywith Pharaoh, Who is the Lordthat I should obey his voice, Iknow not the Lord. He thought the Godof Ifraél inferiour to the Idols of Egypt, he was fopuff.:d up withhis worldly fulnefle, that he thought himfelfe fufficient of himfelfe without God Corrupt and carnall man throughhis ignorance, pride, and prophaneneff, hath avery bafe opinionof God,andmost fhamefullyfleights and undervaluesGod :. Hefees hismouth aaaiaff the Heavens; he1i eaks reproachfully against theLawand Do Irtne of God delivered from Heaven;ágainft the authority and dominionof God; whofeThroneis in Heaven; againft the Saints and faith- full fervants of God, fpirituall originall is fromHea- ven;againi Gods worship and Religion, which is of a hea- venly