Oppofition againfl Cod. venly inflitution : Of all this he (peaks bafcly and prefump- tuouly, this he treads and tramples under feet, and inthrals it to his proud and finfull lu ; he is alienated from the know- ledge andbeliefeof God, either he hath an opinion that there is no God, as the foals in the Pfalrnifl bath (aid in hie Cal.z.z. beart, thereú no god The fool; the man in whomthe light of 1, ,grace thineth not, in the lampof whofc foule theoyleof li- vingknowledge burneth not, he bathfail in his heart, refol- ved and concluded with himfelfe, that there is no God of wifedome difcerning the wayes ofmen, no God of Juflice1 takingvengeance upon men, for their impieties : Or if he' thinke there is a God , he Heaves' not that be isfuch a God, as indeed he is, fo glorious inhis Eff:nce, in his Attributes; in his PerfJns, and in his works : fo holy in his wayes, fei faithful in his promHes, to gracious to his fcrvants, and fo fevere again(i his enemies ; and therefore fuch men fay unto God,`Depart from ur,for We defsrenot theknowledge ofthywayes, Iob ar z ¢. What e the Almighty that we Jbouldferve him, and ghat profit flail we haveifWe pray u)sto bino. God the chiefeft good isof no efleeme with them that are empty of all fpirituall good. Holy and religious fervices are in their opinion, the molt fri- volous and fruitleffe undertaking, whoare altogether corrupt andcarnali : Mans prophane,and bafe fleighting, and under- valuing ofGod,and the wayes, worlaip, and fervice ofGod, openly proclaime mans milerable and surfed ignorance of God, mans unhappy and finfull Alienation, andeflrangement fromGod. ds Carnal Y 5 " mans wretched and foule- deflro ing eflrange- man 7oroans eíiranse- ment from God, is moreover manifcfl, defcribed in fuck mewttrom charaaers that he that runs may reade it : As, God. s . By carnali mans enmity and oppofition aoainfi< God, and ` GPP °ftiun his contrariety to God, as contrary as death to lit; dartre- and concrari_ cry toGod. neffe to light, evil! to good; bitter to fweet ; The carnal! Rom.s,y, minde (faith Saint Taul) ùenmity a ainft god,oppofingGod, fightingagain(! God ; It itnot fuhiell to the Lac? of god,nei- therindeedcanbe ; It breakes the bands, and calls away the cordsofGods Law, as Sarnpfonfometimes burft his withes; as the man in the çofpell poffcffed with an uncleane fpirit, Mart. H h 3 plucked