it 2.Eftrangemél from the life of God. Eph 4. Eflrangement from the Lifeof God. plucked in funder the chaires, and breake in peeces the Et- ters which tyed him, neither could anyman tame him : t hus the carnal' man poffff:d-by Satan,and his owne uncl ane and praphane fpirit;'breaks `:ill the chaises and Etters. of Nods, Law, no Mii.ifter, no friend, no counfell, no perfwaion, no comination can tame him, and make him humble and fubj to the Law of God but be rcbelleth egainfl the light, laé fhutteth his eyes, and will not fee, he tioppeth his Bares, and will not heart, and is altogether contrary unto God; God is light, but he is darkneffe; God is holy, pertfly, abfo- lutely, infinitely holy, but he is corrupt and altogetherfilthy ; God is good, the fountaiueof all goodneffe, but he is ezill; a root of bitternefr, all the thoughts and imaginations of his heart are only and altogether evil ; God is a God of kao1-- ledge, perfealy knowing himfelfe, and all things elfe, but carnali man neither knoVees God nor himfelfe ; God is a God ()Hove, he loves himfife, and them that beare his Image, but the carnall man FatesGod, and all them that are like God, he Ioves evill, and bates good ;. God is a Godof truth, a true . and faithfull God ; the carnali man is full of hypocrijie and de- ceit, his heart is deceitfull above meafure ; God delighteth himfelfe,. he taketh pleafare in them that feare him, he de- lighteth in them that are upright in theway ; To the carnali man the thought ofGod is terrible,Ise taketh pleafire in unrigh- teoufies, anddelighteth in the frowardnes of the wicked,and thus hiscontrariety toGodproclaims hisalienation fromGod. 2. By carnal' mans efiranóement f om the life of God, aliena- ted (as Pass/faith), froth the lifeofGod, without the life of grace. God lives not in. him by his Spirit regenerating and quickning him ;, Thebody alienated from the foule, without the foule living in it, is dead, unprofitable, unfavoury, anun- comfortable fpedacle Man alienated.from the life of God, is.dead in (inne, unprofitable to.God, to his Church, to his owne foule, unfenlible of his lïnne, uncapableofthe word, unfávoury andabominable !n theno(rils ofGod, a very mon fier in the eyes .of God, moreugly thenany leper, toad, of( lothfomc creature; the dead body is earthy, inclining to the earth,,fit only for thegrave ;. The carnali man is earthly min- ded,,