Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

EffranLement from the Knowledge of god. J 419 ded, inclining onely to things here below, and is ready to be caft into the grave of Hell, fit for an infèrnall funeral' with the damned in outer darkeneff: ; He that wants the lifeof grace, is far from theGod of grace, whofoever is not fpiri- tually quickened by God,is miferably eflranged from God. 3. By the carnal' mans efirangement from the knout-ledge of God : Of filch the Pfalmift faith, they have nonozrledge ; no knowledge of God as a Father, of Chrift as a Husband, of 3 Eftrangemcc the Spirit as a Sanc&ifier andcomforter, of the word as of a fr6 the know_ light guiding, and food feeding, and nourifhing them to life ledge of God, eternal' ; they have no s`firirt allknowledge, no principleof, fpirituall light to perceive the things of God which are fpi- ¡' ritually difcerned;no experiment all knowledge ofGodsworke -I Pí,1,14,4. upon their fouls,in the vivification,illumination,fanf }ification, and gracious change oftheir hearts ; noaffe/liveknowledge; iCor,Z.14. they know notGod as a child knowshis father,as awife knows her husband with fervent love & hea tyaff;dion;nolubmifve knowledge, they know not God as a Subjeet his Soveraigne, a fouldier his Centurion yeelding hearty,free,&cheerfullobedi- ence unto him zio appreciativeknowledge,they know not God 1 as the rich man knowes his jewell,efieeming it fare above all his {craw and common lumber in his houf , as the people, knewDavid, accounting him better then many thoufands of themfelves, they doe not prize God above thecreature and themfelves, they doe not repute all bafe and vile, as nothing in rcfpe&ofGod ; no appropriative knowledge, they know clot God, as the wife the husband, feleFting and takingGod unto themfelves, and makinghim theirGod, as the w.fe loth , the husband, they take not God unto them, as their Icing, Crowne, portion, and as all in all totheir foules ; no confo- lative and delightful' knowledge, they know not God as the eye the Sun, rejoycing in the light of the Sun, they delight not in God, their foules take not up their fweet repofe in the bofome ofGod,, the meditation of God is not fweet unto them ; no fatiative knowledge,they know not God, as the thirfty the full fountaine, they arenot filled with God, they meet not with contentation in God, their delires are not Iterminated inGod, and fatisfied with God, they know not 1 H h 4 Gods