429 ' EF#rtngement from the loveof God. Gods A1)~ fafficiency, they take not up their fill and=mall ref} with God, they are itill (fepping out from God, with .udar they are not content withChritf, hut they mull have the bag too ; and as the blinde is a franger to the S un, is the blinde futile a flranger to Coi. 3. By thecarnali mans efirangement from the loveof Cod,he is a (franger to the love of God : Pafvely, it is a Sun, with whofebrames his foule was never warmed, a wane which his palate never tailed, a banner under which he was never covered ; Cod never communicated the fweet fence and fèe- lingofhis love unto him ; none but the Bride hath the fence of the Bridegroomes Iove ; he is a ffranger to the loveofGod al'live ; he is a (franger to the love of union withGod, he. declines not the things which feparate from God, he delights not in the meanes whichunite the foule to God, he delires not fpirituall conjunaion and communion with the Church and peopleof God, he grieves not at the abfencc of the effi- cacy of the Spirit, he longs not after the full fruition of the bleffid and gracious prefence of God ; he is a (}ranger to the love of Complacency inGod ; he neither abhorres the things which are advcrfe to the will ofGod, nor highly prizeth the Society of theSaints of God, nor is fenübleof that joy and fweetneffewhich is found in the exercifes of godlineffc, nor knowes that delight which a gracious foule meets with, by holy walking, and maintaining a fweet communion with God, 'he is not comfortedandwell-pleafed in and with God, as theeye with the Sun and the thirfly pallate with the cleare and full fountaine, but bath more pleafure in the creature then in the Creator ; he is alfa a (frangerto the loveof benevolence, and welwi ñing towards God; having nozeak for Gods glo- ry,nor yeeldingany filiali and Iincerc obedience to Gods pre- cepts : Whatfoever beche pretences ofacarnali mans love to God, he loves himfelfè more then God, his love is the love of harlots, whofe love is more to ffrangers then to their hus- bands. Want of free, full, and fervent love toGod ,ever argues air unhappy eftrangement fromGod. 4. By thecamail mans e rangement from theffiirituall roadle- fanl7i f ingand fosolefaving miniftrations. of god. The carnal] man 3.8f}rzm.,,emEt from the 1..ve of GJd, 4..Eflranro,emet from.the fpin- taall mini4ira- tions ofQod.