Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Fit-engememtfrom theeniniffration of God., s t Hunts an empty houfe, 'there is nothing of God dwelling! Ror.,.7.1E. there ; he is a Tree twice dead, and plucked up by the roots,' judo v is. there is no minifiration of .ffiritnall life, CI-rií} doth not live inhim,he fits in dai knefle, and the fhadowof death, the God of this world bath blinded the eyes of his underftanding, as the Philif Ines put out the eyes of San:yfon there is no mini- f ration fpiritna' and /' tng knowledge, Cod bath not (li- ned into his heart, he bath not the knowledge of theglory of God in the, face of Jefus Chia ; he lyes in the prifon of the prince of darkncffe, likePeter in Herods prifon, his luftb fet- teringhim, Satan on his right hand, the world en his left hand, like two ftrong and vigilant fouldiers keeping him ; 1 here is no rmnijlration of J irituallfreedome, he is led captive by fm, theDevill, and the world ; he is full of finne,as Na- amans flefh of leprofie ; there is no miniiration ofgraceand fantlification, God bath not powredout his Spirit like cleane! water upon him ; he is like the troubled Sea which cannot 1í reit, whofe waters cart upmire and durt, his cenfcience ac- cuffing, his heart condemning him ; there is no mimfiration of, Jiritnall peace,no feale of thepardon of finne, noattonement betweenGod andhis foule; where there is no light, theSun appeares nor, where there is no miniftration of grace God dwcls not,without grace,withoutGod. 6. Eßran errgc 6. By the carnali manseflrangement from Chrift, he reces- fromCñii}. vethnet Chrift as a dweller to poffeffe him, as a King to corn- mand him, as a Lord and. Matterto be every way ferviceablc to Chrift, as a friend to love Chrift, as a husband tomarry his foule to Chrift, as a l'hyfitian to sac healed by Ç brill, asa fountaine tobe filled with Chrift , as the root of life to live in and by Chril ; Every carnali man is a linfull, and a Chriftlef?fe creature, havingnothingof Chrift inhim ; and being with- out Chrift he is without God, God is no God of grace, cf mercy, of peace to the foule without Chrift. whofever(faith Saint yohn)denieth the Son, emir: c th not,loveth not,honou- reth not the Sonne, hark not the Father. And againe, who. oever tran[óreß(eth, and abideth not in the DoFlrine of Chrifi. bathnot God. Cod is truly andcomfortably known; rightly adored, and íwectly and favingly enjoyed onely in Chrift. Man.