Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

422 7 Elrangemët troni the re. membrance of God. Kai, 6. í. Pfal I0.4, eC.2. j 2. Eftrangementfrom:theRemembrance of God. I Man hath noway toGod but Chrift, he is theglaffe inwhom God is clearly feen, he is the fountaine whence the fulneffe of God is received, he is the beloved, in whom alone man is accepted. God is an utter firanger to the fouleof that per- fon,who bath not Chrift dwelling in him. 7. By the carnali mans efirangement flan; the remembrance of God c In the grave (faith the Pfalmill) there is no remem- brance of thee. Among thecarnall men, the dead in fin, there is no remembrance of God, Cod is not in alltheir thoughts,their thoughts are worldly thoughts,vainthoughts, cvill thoughts, thoughts of iniquity, Every imagination ofthe thoughts oftheir hearts is only evillcontinually ; they remember not,they thinke not upon the Lord : He is forgotten (as he fpeakes by 7ere- my) dayes without number : The carnall mans thoughts ofGod are erronious thoughts , fuperftitious thoughts , doubtful(' thoughts, low thoughts, difhonourable thoughts, feldome, cold, andflitting thoughts, no ferious , dwelling , abiding and working thoughts : He doth not remember God as King of Kings, and Lord ofLords, with high, honourable, tranfeen- dent, awefull, and reverent thoughts, difpofing his foule to the feareof God ; He doth riot remember God, as the rich man his treafurewith joyful/anddelightful/ thoughts ; as the captive his Ranfomer, with gratulatory and prai/è- rendring thoughts; as the Bride her Bridegrooms, With loving, joule-warming, andheart-affeíling thoughts ; as the thirflyman the fountaine, With longingand incefant thoughts ; He doth not remember thedominion of God to be fubjeft to him,theWifedome ofGod to be guided by him, the power of God to repofe himfelfe upon him, the refined, of God to walke all the day long as inGods fight, nor theAl-firficiency ofGod to feeke all fids- f i 1 ion in him ; Perhaps like Mariners in a fiarme, in a time of trouble, he bath fame conftrained thoughts of God, but otherwife he forgets God as 7'haraohs Butler forgate jofph; as men in timeof peace lay afide their weapons, and thinke no more upon them till warre be renewed : Thus carnall men lay afide all thought ofGod, make no ufe of God untill force difmall diftreffeceafeupon them ; and as theyarc ftran- gers to the remembrance ofGod, fo they muff of neceffity be