424 f o../itheifts in PraElife, king after death of no greater glory then the beafis partake 5. of, extinguiJhing the very light of nature, by which the very heathens ofall ages have acknowledged a fupreame, divine 6, being ; jh amefully difgracing and difhonouring the facred Scrip. lures, as if they were either fo many empty lamps or falfe y, lights fet up for thew and not for truth ; haynoufly finning of a ainfi Chris : iftherebe noGod, thenwas Chrifts un- dertaking with God for man in vaine, then he fuffered to no purpofe,thenhad he noauthority,no commillion from above, and fo is made the greateft Impoflerand deceiver that ever the earthdid beare ; a generation ofmen thefe are wort then the Devils, for they beleeveand tremble. O the miferable con- dition whereinto (inne hath caft man, cauling him todeny the being of that God who gave him being, the fruition of whom was the Paradife of mans Joule at his hrft Creation, and is now the fweetert joy and glory of mankinde, be- ing either in the ftate of grace, or in the Kingdomeof Hea- ven. Some arc Atheifis in praE%ife, prefefling (as the Apofile' faith) thAt they know Clod, but inWorksdeny him. Some make Idols their God, bowing downe before aftocke and a florae, as the fuperftitious ; fame make worldlygoods their God,as the covetous ; fome make meat and drinke their God, as the drunkard and glutton ; fome make honours and high places their God, as theambitious ; fome make carnali delights and paftitrmes their God, as the voluptuous and pleafure-hunters ; fome make whores and harlots their God , as the wan- ton and adulterous ; fome make their workes their God, as the merit- mongers ; fome make their naked attendance upon holy Ordinances their God , as the the carnall-Gofpellers famemake their morali verrues their God, as the civill man ; foine make their formes of godlinefle, andoutward iliewes their God, as the hypocrites,&c. All thefe, and filch like, though they profefTe God, yet in praftife they are Atheifts, Atheifmt in and doe deny God : He that difcernes not the feeds, reliquçs, Praáife de- and movings ofthis abominationin himfeife, never yetinew monf#rjted. himfelfe, nor theftateof his owneheart ; And what Both r.Loofe-living i. mensloofe- living under theGofpeiI, mens running into all