Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Evidences offltheifixe, 425 all excefl ofryot, contrary to their holy calling, the nature I of the C.ofpell,and fuch plaineand powerful] perfwatìon f.otn Heaven proclaimes ? but the Atheifine of their foules,not be-I keying the truth of God, reputing Godsmeffengers as bab- lers, and the facred truths which they deliver, as fàbles. 2. What doth mens finning fb freely in fcret, taking fuch v.4enet fin pleafure in contemplativewickednef:, within the cloferof n"''''' their owne hearts, and taking fuch liberty to doe evil! in the' darke, where the eye of man beholds it not, what dcth this argue ? but a fecret Atheifnae lurking in their foules, having no apprehenfion of Gods prefence, of Gods Al-feeing eye, having no remembrance that God is every where, filling all places, privy to all the movings and (linings of their hearts: Were not the hearts of men very Atheifficall, they would not dare doe that in the fight of God which they will not doe in the eyes ofmen. 3. What doth mens fearelefeffe of denounced judge- a Fesrlcfnefí talents, mens putting offthe evil! day farreaway : Mens fin- of Iudgen,en,a ping fecurely, mens flattering themfelves in aneffate where- in they are ready to drop every moment intoHell, hanging by the weake thread of their fraile life over thebottomleffe pit, what doth this declare ? but Atheifine, not beleeving that God is fuch a juR andrighteous God,fitch a hater and re- venger of finneas indeed he is. 4. What doth mens feldo,nepraying, cold praying, irre- 4.Seldomeand verent praying proclaime ? butan Atheificall ignorance, un- cold prying. fenfiblenefle, and unapprehenfivenefle of Gods greatneffe, glory and prefence : Kings and Monarchs are ferved ingreat Efate, becaufe men apprehend their Majefty; men addreffe themfelves to God , as to their fellow, becaufe they are neither powerfully perfwaded, nor workingly apprehenfive ofhis glorious:prefence. 5. What doth mess fleighting,ofthe meanies ofthe know- 5.sieighting ledge ofGod, mens negleaingof the falvation which God of divine proffers them, mens undervaluing of C,hriff, mens feeking knowledge. ofthe applaufe and favour of men, more then the approba- tion and favour of God, mens exalting of their luffs above God, mans fecking after and ref$ing upon the creature, mans facri-