Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

426 f ry of_beingwithout god. facrificing to an arme of fle{h, mans fuperficiall performance oftheduties ofReligion, what doe all thefe, and many fuch bewray ? but abundanceof Atheifme in the heart; for-were this truth throughly rooted in the heart of man, were the meditation ofthis principle powerfully operative upon the foule ofman, That god is, and that heit a Godfoglorious, fo powerful', fo gracious, fo alfisiicient,and fo farrefurpaffing all creatures, as indeed he is, it would move man to preferre the knowledge ofGod above all learning, the approbation of God above all praife, andthe love of God above all favour, it wouldmake all the lulls of the foule fall as Dagon before the Arke, were this redominant in , and efffh ally working lapon the heart ofman, no finne could (land before it, the creature would appeare to the cye of the foule as a thing of nought, manwouldbe afhamed ofhis bell abilities, grieved for the imperfeaion ofhis holiell fervices, and apply him- felfe to the worke of hisGod with feven foldmore diligence. O then complaìne oft, and pray to God againfl thy fecret Atheifme, as againit thegreat plague and pelt ofthy foule, as againfl a beanie in -thyeye difabling thee tofee God, as againfl a fetter about thy feet, difabling thee to come to God, as againfta partitionwall, hindering thy fweet and comforta- ble communion withGod. In carnali mans effrangement fromGod,in his beingwithout God, wemay fee themifera- ble and wretched conditionof corrupt and carnali man ; we repute thebody miferable without a foule to enliven it, the world miferable without the Stan to enlighten it, thebelie- gal Citymiferable withouta Captaine to refcue it, or wall to defend it, the thirily miferablewithout a fountaine to refrefh him, the wandring traveller miferablewithout a guide todi- re&him, the forfaken miferablewithout a friend tocomfort him, &c. But here is themifery of all miferies to bewithout God, to be eftranged from God, who is the foule enlivening, theSun guiding, the great Centurion refcuing, the wall of fire defending, the fountaine refrefhing, the guide leading, and thefriend folacing man : We fee Hagar weeping, when her bottle is empty, and hathno water, Rachel mourningfor her children, and will not be comforted, becaufe they are not,