Without God,full of Satan. ) 427,. not, thé wife of Thineae refuting to becomforted, becaufe the Arke is carried away, Idolatrous (Micah running and crying as a man undone, becaufe his Idoli, -his imaginary God is taken fromhim ; but what is the Joffe of thefe, and a thoufand filch things as thefe are to Joffe of god, furely nomore then the loffé ofa sloe-worme to the lofleoftheSun, then the loffe of a ftraw to the Jc(feofa precious pearle. Here is caufe indeedof mourning, crying, cemplaming, lamen- being tation to be without God : Fur he that is without God, is without God' z. Full of Saran, he that is empty ofone is full of'the other, t. Full of&- when God forfakes thehoufe ofmans foule, Satan takes the t an. poffeflion, he becomes the dweller, he like an armed man keeps the Fort in mans heart , he like a Prince Lets up his Throne, and keeps his Court in the City ofmans foule,when God is gone Satan enters in, the leffe cf' Clod, the more of Satan in the fouleof man : When the houle in the Parable was empty,then theuncleane fpirit entredwith leven others Mat. z z. worfe then himfelfe ; when the foule is empty of'C7od,Satan fils it with a troop of all abominations, then he blindes the underflanding, that they cannot fee nor god, nor Chrift, nor themfelves, then he gaggs their mouthes, thatas themarl that had a dumbeDevill, they can neither fpeake for god, nor to god, then he bowes them downe to the world, and makes them drudges and (laves to the earth, like the woman that hada fpirit of infirmity, that they cannot lookeup to God, they cannot thinke on Cod, nor the things which are above, thenhe calls them into the fire of rage, fury and anger, and htar.9.z2. into the waters of drunkennefle, fenfùall lulus, and carnali pleafures; as he calf the mans forme in the Gofpell into the fire and water, then he fils themwith fraud, falfhood, hypocri- fie, and Lpirituall treafon, ashe put it into theheart of 3ud& to betray Chrift : Vnconceavable is that mans mifery that is left of god to Satan, that is emptyof God, and full of the Devill,he that is full ofSatanfirtl mull Tooke tube fù11 ofHell at Taft. 2 He that is without Cod, is full of the World, he minds zFullof earthly things, he bowes downe to thefe things,-as Gideon- World, thoutands to the waters, thefe command him, fway over him,