Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

418 Empty of God, filledwith the World, andSin. him, leade him away captive, as the harlot in Salomondid the young man, lit commits adultery with them, and as a mart by meanesof a whorith woman is brought toa morfell of bread : fo thefe by meanes of their fòrnication with this whortib woman the world, they become very beggars in grace, andget a blot and a flame which cannot be wiped og';, being without god heoverprizeththe world; in the liege c,f' Samaria Doves dung was fold at a high price, becaufe they wanted bread ; he that wants God, the bread, the flaff, and flay of his foule, highly prizeth the dung and droffe of the earth, and wanting rod, the world with her cares, honours, pleafures, cufioines, faihions, and allurements overwhelmcs him as the deluge did them that were without the Arke; mi- fèrable is their flavery and fervitude to the world, who have not god gracioufly poflelfìng them, fpiritually reigning and 1 ruling within them. ;.Full.ofSin. S. He that is without god is Full of fnne; The fluggards held in S'olomonbeing without a diligent husbandman to ma- nure it, was full of thornes and nettles : He that hath not -god the great'husbandmanof the foule to manure him, is overgrowne with the thornes, bryars and nettles ofall forts ofvices, full of all abominations, as Baals houfe was full of Idolaters, and the Pharifees Sepulchers full ofrottenneffe and dead mens bones his lufis binde and chaîne him as the fet- ters did Peter in Herods prifon ; his underflanding is full of;. blindncffe, as the Egyptians houfes were hill of darkneffe, he fees nothing of god, of Chrifi, nor ofhis owne unhappy eflate; his will is full of perverfeneffe and frowardneffe, no liberty, no inclination there to move god-ward, to intend . cod, his glory, or his foules welfare ; he is led away captive Ifa.zo 4. byhis lugs, as the Egyptians by the Affyrians,nakedand bare Rev.3.i v. foot, poore, blinde, n k a', mafrable and wretched; His thoughts dare full of vanity, pride, bafeneffe, covetoufneffe, fraude, beafilineífe, and what not, thefe trade and traticke, and tra- vel' up anddowne withinhim, as, fwine in a {lithe, andmake him a very,dunghill; and loathfo:mehabitation, as thebuyers and fellers made the Temple a den of'theeves ; his aff c`tions ;.arefull-of all pollution, bafe-feare, carnall conlidence,world- ly,