Empty of God,fullof curfes. 4 29 1y love, and fle(hly joy, his foule like the cup in the womans handupon a skarlet coloured beaft, Rev. t 7. full of abomina- tions and filthinefle ; and his wayes, works, and particular paffigesof his life, fuperfcribed withnames, titles, and cha- raaers of blafphemy againft God, Chrift, Heaven, the gof- pell, and Chriftian Religion ; He that is without God and the Lord Jefus is the moil loathfome of all Crea- tures. q.. He that is without god, is full of curfes. Where God 4 Full of curfes is not,the curie goeth : mans very bleflings are turned into curfes, his morali and temporali abilities, all his poffclhons, the wife in his bofome, the children in his houfc, the meat on his table, the appareil onhis backe, is afnare tohim. Cxr- "al69a2. fed ishe in the City, and in the field, i» his bake!, andin hisfiore, D.ut,z8. a 5,i6 in the fruit of hiebody, and in thefruit of his land,in the increafe of his lone, and flack of his Jheep, in his coming in, and inhis goingsut Yea the very word which he heareth, Sacrament which he receiveth, and Prayer which he maketh,becomes a curfe, the favour of death urtodeath, yea Chrift himfelfe, the mediumof all bleflings to the foule, becomes aforteof Hum- = I{1ng'4 4 bling,anda rockeof defence. The Prophets pot before the meale was powred in, was a pot of death, the very whole of man without God, turnes to a curie to man. O the follyof them that bleffa themfelves in their havings, not having god with them, within them,regenerating, renewing, and purifying, and fanc`tifying all unto them 1 Mans bleffdneffe confifts not in anyhavings, but in the having of God : to him that bath god for his god, theLyon provesahiveof honey- combs,the greateft croffe a fweet blefiing, to him that bath not God, the choifeft Paradife becomes a wilderneffe, the calmeft river a tempcituous Sea, his greateft profperity, his heavieft mi fery. 5. He that is without rod, is Without all, the havingofall I-Empty of things is asnothing, if we have not God with them ; god is á of thefulnefle ofevcry thing, what is thehaving ofa lampwith- g out oyle, a bone without marrow, aveffell without liquor, fuch is the havingof all things without, god ; he that with I Senacheri6 bath Lordfhipover many Nations ; he that with I i Abfolon Vir