God. headdemonfiratedíy looks ofScripture. Cnnp. XXIII. Dctlaring that Gad is, andthe excellency ofoirintere}t inGod. THecarnali mans eftrangement from God,his beingwith- out God, minifters matter of excitation toall men tola- bour T. for cleare, furs, and invincible evidenceofthis truth, That cod 'is, and a. for flare and infallible intereft in this God. I. Labour for cleare evidence, a lively , powerful!, and working perfwafion of this in your hearts, that cod is, and that he is' fuch aone, as in his wordhe hath revealed himfelfe tobe ; this is thepillar and groundof all Religion, Satan la- bours much to undermine and flake it, and the Atheifine of mans heart is very prone to fufpeet and doubt it, and mens weakeand feeble, lame andhalting apprehenfion ofthis truth, is one maine caufeof the great abundance ofAtheifine, and prophaneneffe : For the etF tuall and invincible perfwafion, refolution, and through fetling ofyour hearts therefore in this truth, that Godis, looke t.into the booke of. Scripture, and 2.into thebooke of Nature. 'a. Looke into thebooke of the Scripture,and there faf cn your eyes, a. upon theplaine and apparant Teflimonies which it gives of God. By the mouthof yob, adze noW (faith he) the bees, and they /hallteach thee, and the foWles of the aire, and they fhall tell thee, or fieake to the earth, and it flall teachthee,and the fi/hes of the Sea Anil declare Unto thee. Who`knoweth not in all theft, that the hand of the Lord bath v rouQht this, in vehofe handis the foule of every living thing, and the breath of all man- kände : By the mouth ofDavid, The Heavens (faith he) de- clare the flory of god, and the Firmament fhewerh his handy- Worke : By themouth of Paul, god (faith he) who in times ptilì fuf fered allNations towake in their oWne wàyes,neverthelefe he left not himfelfe without witneffe, in that hedidgood, andgave us .rain from Heaven , and frbefallfeafons, I.filling our hearts I i a With z.Tciuicnóniéy Ioh.za.7891 z o.Í A`ì r4.t6.