Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

43 2 Miracles, Prediïfions, Aft,s7.23. With foodand"gladnefe. Andagaine, As Ipaf fed.dy (faithhe to themen of Athens) and beheldyour devotions, I found an Al- tar With this Infcription, To the wsk Towne god, whom therefore yeignorantly worfhip, himdeclare Iunto you. cod that made the World, andill things therein, feeing that he is Lord ofHeavenand Earth,dwellethnot in Temples made with hands ; Neither is wor- 'hipped withmenshands, feeinghegiver life,andbreath,andevery thing : And molt evidently writing to the l omanes, he faith, That which may 6ekyowneof god is manifeß in them, for godpath i'heweditunto them, for the invifi6le things ofhim from the Cre- ation of theworld areclearly feen, being underflood6z the things that are made, even his eternal! power and god-head, Jo that they are Without excuf . 2. Faften your eyes upon themiraculous andmighty works recorded in Scripture,as the dividingof the watersof the red Sea, and making the childrenof Ifrael to paffe through them, the giving of waters out of a Bony rocke, the raining of Manna from Heaven, the fending of Q.Liailes in the wit- derneffe, the retraining of the fire in Nebuchadnezzar' fur- nace, that though it burned, yet it hurt not the three children calf into it ; the (huttingof the mouthes of theLyons, that they hurt not Daniel caft in among them ; the curingofdif- cafes, which no Fhyfìtian could heale ; the railing of the dead, which no created power could doe ; the feeding of many thoufands with a few loaves and fiihes, and many fuch like,evidently declaring,that thereis anAlmighty hand doing fuch great and mighty works. 3. Meditate upon thepropheciesandpredidioss there, recei- ving their full, and fure, and certaine accomplifhinent, in many ages after, according as it was foretold, arguing an eternal! and All-feeing-Spirit by whom they were infpi- red. 4. Obferve the punifments there, miraculoufly inflic ed upon the old world, the Sodomites, the Ifraelites in thewil- derneff , Pharaoh and many others, and you ¡hall reade the Joftice of an Almighty God puni(hing the wickedneffe of man. 5. Confider well away revealed to life andfalvation above the