Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

ualitier ofGodlyprove the God-head. the capacity of man and Angell : God appearingto the Pa- triarckes, entring into a Covenant cf life and peace with them, fending his Prophets with tydings ofa Saviour to come, and at laft fending his owncSonnc, conceivedby the Holy-Ghoft in the wombeof a Virgin, the humane nature Aimed into the unity of the fècond perfon, Chrift Godand, Man in one Perfon, a perfed Mediator between God and man, a werke fo grangeand wonderful], that theAngels doe; admire it,and defil e to pry into it,a angular demonftration of Gods infinite and untearchable wifdame. 6. Obferve alfo the mighty efficacy of this word of godupon the hearts of men, piercing their hearts, dividing between thebones and the marrow, the joyntsand thefpirit, prefents as in a glatífe the most clofe and fecret finnes of man before him, filling them with terrour and amazement, humbling and abating them below thedut,raiftng them cutofthegrave of finne to a new life, fetching them forth ofSatans prifon, as the Angell brought `Peter out of Herod, prifon, turning their ttony hearts into hearts of fiefh, making their leprous foules pure and cleane,as Naamansflefh in,7ordan, healing the wounds of their confciences, which noworldlybalme could cure, plainly declaring that an holy andAlmighty Spirit did both infpire them, and worke by them. 7. Obferve in the facred Scriptures a generationofpeople fo changed by theu'e of the word from what once they were; That they are now diainguished from all the worldbetides, as the living from the dead, as the light from darkenetf , as the iVine from the thorne, and the Lambe from the Wolfe ; men calledout of darkenefre into light, men hating their former estates, wayes and works, more then ever they loved them ; Men chuang to live in any mifery, rather then in the allow anceof the least finne ; Men contented to be hatedof father, mother, and all their friends according to the ficIh, that they may pleafe Ghriíf, taking the fuoyling of their goods joy- fully, reputing the 'reproach of Chrift greater riches then all the treafures of the world ; Men pleating, contenting, bleffing and applauding themfelves in the having ofChrift, though they have nothing elfe, willing rather to lye in pri- I i 3 fon,,1 1 433