Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

God-head provedby movingçassfe. 435 it be hidden in the earth,andwe fee it not : When we fee as that noble `Duplefes obferves, a river flowing, we prefently conclude there is fume Spring or Fountainewhence it bath Originall, though we fee not the fame ; and thus from the Creation, and the things feen,we muff of neceffity conclùde, there is a Deity, though invilble,andnot feen,otherwifcthen as we fee the caufe in theeff,;a. a. Looke upon the order of things moving. We difccrne, many things moving in the world, as Sun, Moone, and Stars in Heaven, the Birds in the aire, Men and Beafts upon the earth, Rivers running, Seas ebbing and flowing ; and every I thing that moves mutt of neceffity be moved offomeother, by the confideration whereof we are neceffarily led to ac- knowledge a firft mover, which isGod, giving motion to all, himfelfe not moved When we fee the body moving, we know there is a foulewithin moving it, though we fee not the foule : When we fee the wheeles of awatch moving,wc know there is a fpring that fats them all on going. Thus the motion of the creature plainly demonftrates a firft mover, thoughour eyes behold him not, according to the Rule, Se- cunda moventia non maven:, nifi per hoc quadfun: a prime motu. 3. Looke upon the Series andfuccefon of all efficient Caas- fes. We fee in fenfible things there isanorder of ebïïcient cau- fes, yet among all thefe there neither is, nor can any thing be foundwhich isthe caufe of it felfe, becaufe fo it fhouldbe before it felfe, which is impoflìble : As for inftancc, the Sonne is begotten of the Father, the Father of the Grand- father, the Grandfather of the great Grandfather, and fo up- ward ; yet amongft men, noman ever was, or can be thebe- getter ofhimfelfe; the branch commeth from the Tree, the Tree from the root, the root from the kernell, the kernell gives not being to it felfe, and thus wemu('c of' neceffity af- cend unto, and refs in force firft caufe, which is God, all fecond caufes working in thevertueofthe firft caufe. 4. Looke upon the Content and agreement betncene things different and dfagreeing between theonfelves : Fire and water are one contrary to another, one fighting again(: another, de- I i 4 ftroying i