Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

43 6. Dqrçesoffoodnefe!hero one chiefegood. ftroÿiv-gone another, yet theft you ¡hall fee concurring and afire _ing together in the buildingofthe ill-lived., and to the . bodyofman and bear, which plainly chews the wiledome . and power of fame fupreame Commander, making fuch a sweet harmony bet wecnedifàgreeing creatures, as betweene . diffonant firings upon amuicall inftrument,we acknowledge theart of askilful' Mufitian in the latter, and can wedoe Efts thenacknowledge an infinite wifedome andpower of fome fupreame cómrnander in the former. { 5, Looke upon the degrees of excellency andgoodnefe a- meng things : Some are more good and more excellent ; (bate leffegood, and leffe excellent ; the Sunne hath more light then the Starres ; the_Vine is more excellent then the Bram- ble man bath morenoble endowments, then the unreafo nable creatures ; and whence is this, but as every creature bath more or Jere goodcommunicated to it, as it doth more .orleffe approachunto fome chiefelh good, fo that there mutt be fome chiefe and moft excellent good communicating free- ly moreorleff good toeverykinde of creature as bec plea- feth. 6. Looke upon thefuiting and the fitting of one thing to a. nether : As in abuilding,when we fee one peeceoftimber fit- ted to another, we fay there bath beene askilful' Carpenter : Whenwe fee a garment madeup and fuited to every Mem- ber ofmans body, we infiantly conceiveTome artificial' Taí- ler hath had the orderingofit, and that neither timber nor cloath did thus fute themfelves together : Thus in this great workmanfhipoftheworld, obferve how light is fuited to the eye, the found unto the ayre, meat to the palate, water to the fifres, theearth to plants, and graffe to beat's, and fò of the reft; and when we fee this,how can weebut acknow- ledge a divine finger thus fuiting and fitting one to ano- ther. 7. Tobe short looks upon thefubordination and depe sdance of one thing upon another, one miniftring to another , the Heavens to the Earth, the Earth to theCorne, the Corne to man Confider alfo the operation and working even of crea- tures voidof reafon fora certaine end, working conftantly af- ter