Benefits ofAffurancethat (7odie 437 ter the fame manner, and accompli(hing their ends by due and apt nneanes, producing t ffAis above their owne abilities, I as the Ant which gathers her meat in Summer for the Wira- ter, they working by a rule-which they know not, and ay- ming at an end which they underftand not, declare that a higher underRanding directs them ; what all(' doe many (:range and unexpeEled events and iflues of things beyond the wifdome, power and imagination óf man argue, but an Al mighty.hand working and difpofing all things at his owne pleafure ; what (hall we tit inkeofthe prefervation and mini- firinq of provifion forfo many ages to this great Family of theworld, but that there is fome molt wife, and able goner Hour over this houle; what may weconclude from the pre- fervation and continuance of a Church upon the face of the Earth, ago inft the fury ofall Divels, and agaìnE the power and malice even ofthe whole world, but that there is a God that ftandeth in the burning bufh and keepes it, that the fire doth not confume it, a rider that fits upon the flood and re- Rraines it from drowning his Church, a great commander whom the windes and waves obey, one letting bounds to tomen and Divels, as to the Sea ; and let thefe and fuch like confìderations perfwade you and Rrengthen in the beliefe of this, That god And beefïàred that the more your hearts are over-powred, wrought upon and warmed with theRudy and meditation,. and fetled in perfwauìonand beleefeof this truth, That Godie Beicftsofthis aneternall, omnipotent, molt wife holy and omniprefent being, perfwjfóthat one that is ever prefent with you. God is. i. The morehumbleand abafed ,hall you be in your owne t, Self. eye, able to faywith the Prophet, Woe is me 7 am undone, I ment. am a man of unclean lips, for mine eyes have_lien the King the Lordof1-10a Is. 2. Themore a,7,aneedhhall youbeof your former loofnes,. .Shame For fniting witli Ephraim upon your thigh, a(hamed and con- founded for the reproach of your youth,. the more afhamed 'aCfie, 1 (hall you beofyour prefent uncleannefle abhorring your felfe with lob below the duff and afhes, j 3 Sopprefinent ` , 3. Zhemoreporaerfull fhail you be in the fupprefon ofall of Gone. ftnne,