Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

.-----K ' 8 Cordial entertaintnent ofChrifdperjwadrd, or memory, the upper roomes of the foule ;but in their heart, the middle and choifeff roome of the foule ofman Our prayers are but empty and fiuitleffe untill wee have prayed Chrift into our hearts and afff&ions ; Chriff com- meth in the Gofpell as a King of mercies to pardon us; as a bridegroome to marry us, andwe muff entertainehim with love, much, ftrong, and fervent love ; as a malefaîor his King comming to him with a pardon, or the bride the bridegrooms ; our love to Chrift mutt be like the love of s s Sara. x8. z. i Ionathan toDavid, a love pang the love of women ; our foule muff be knit to Chrift, as Ionathan Peeing. what Da- vid had donc for Ifracl , in the overthrow. of Cjoliah, his foule was knit to `David : fo we feeing what Chrift hath done for us in the overthrow of Satan, our foules mutt be knit to Chrift ; our foules mutt long for Chrift, as the foule tGen.34.8. of Shaken: t longed for Dinah, our foule mutt delight in Chrift, as the foule of the rich in his treafure, anA the foule of the bride in the bridegrobmo ; thus the Spoufe expref- a Cant.i 7. fahher felfe, 'hewme() thou *horn my u foule loveth, whom I love fervently, unfainedly, and. with a longin?, delire to enjoy ; and. in the banqueting houle, in the mini.:ery of the wCant.s.4,5. word file found her (elfe w fcke of love, ravifhed with love Pitts eft b4bere to Chrift. The entertainment of Chrift into the heart is 01'0urn in the glory of a Chriffian, as the entertainment of the King corde quam in to a bode is the glory of a SubjeFt : This is the fitl- domo;quiacor nefly of the foule, as the entertainment of the. Sonne into tnteruu ,the eye is the fulnef` of the eye,. the heart is. an. empty eft n so quaa ! veffeli untill Chrift bath the . offeflìon of it ; this is thede- dornut no(trs. p Aug. j fence and fafety of the foule, as the being of the Pilate in the fhip, is of the fafety of the fhip ; thebeingof thekee- ¡o is f Chrift i tl the (hip in theífo l rmy tempeft,was the of the Difciples ; the being of Chrift in the foule, is the fafeguard of the foule in all the fformy tempefts of trou- ble ; the foule where Chrift bath no dwelling lyeth. open to all the affaults of Satan. This brings the foule toa fweet communionwithChrift in the Gofpell, as Iehu faiduntole- xz.Kiu. t o, z q. honadabcomming to m:et him, X Ir thy heart rightas myheart is Mat.8.z5,26.