438 I Benefitsof af f'rt cante that God id. fnne, is the repelling ofevery temptation, able to fay with 7ofeph, howfhall I doe this evil and finne againfi God. 4 Fervent 4. Themore fervent and reverent (hall you be in your hea- pr.ryer ring, prayer and fupplication, !landing with Cornelius, as be- fore the Lord inhearing his meffenger, and praying likePaul with the underflandingandwith the fpirit. Induary in c. The more diligent and induftrious (hail yoube in Gods Godsfervice. fervice, knowing the terrour of the Lord, running like the Sunne the race whichGod hath let before you, f rving the Lord with feareand trembling, doing th. will ofGod from the heart. 6 Gracious 6, Themoregraciotts (hall yoube in allyours` eeches, fpea- 1peech. king the wordsofGod,and as in the fight ofGod. 7. Circurn. 7. The more circum/peR (hall yoube in your carriage, be- 1peetion. ing all the day long in the feare ofGod, and walking with God as Enoch and Noah did. 8.0ourage. 8. Themore couragiou.e and undaunted (hall you be in all difficulties and oppofitions made againfl you, not afraid ofthe many thcufands,that fet themfelves againft you, remembring and apprehending as Ezekiah did that God is withyou,a pre- fent help in trouble for you. 9 Slcighting 9. The more (hall you in aholy manner Height and tinder- oi world. valueall the glory, dignity, wealth and fulneffe ofthe world, having with you and within you that God who in your eye and apprehenfion tranlcends the world more then the molt orient pearle the bafeft droffe, the choifeft Paradife the moft loathfome prifon, or the brighteft Sunne the rotten glue- worme. to. Eafie corn. 1 o . The more eafily, fully, freely , joyfully and perma-, 'fling ofi from nently (hall your hearts and thoughts come off from the crea- te creature. tire, from your fel fe, and from every thing here below, as the eye comes gladly from thecandle to the Sun upon the ap- pearing and apprehenfionofthe fame ; as the Bride comes gladly from her owne people, and her fathers houfe,to her molt honourable, amiable and lovely Bridegroome ; or as the Prodigall came readily from the Swine, and thehuskes to his Fathers houle, where he apprehended fulneffe of 'bread. II. The