Excellencyof intereff ist god, Ii. The snore patientfhall you be in all trouble, apprehen- I ding God as a Father in love chaflifing you, as a Phyfician '°Patience. launcing you, and as a Refiner purging you, you fhalf fèy with old Eli, It is the Lord, let himdoe what feemeth him good. I 2. The morecontent (hall you be in every cordition,ton i t z Corten- tentedly alit with gob to receive theevillofafficlion as well taitoa. as the goodof peace at the hands ofthe Lord the apprehen fion of Gods prefence with you (hall fatisfie and quiet you, when every other thing is taken from you, the apprehenfion ofthis (all powerfullyand fweetly diilíofe you to quiet your felfe in the w ill cfGod, humbly and readily to fubmit your felfe to the hand of God , thankfully to take that portion whichGod giveth you, afhuring your felfe it is that which God in his wifedomefeet) bell for you : Thrice blared is that perfon whobath this apprehenfionof God Hill ruling and at= feeling him, fetledly dwelling and working within' him; there is nothing more availeable to keep the foule of man in a holy frame and dilpofition then the fence and feeling of Godsever being prefent with him. Secondly, this fhould all!) move man to labour for infallible and lure interefl in God. It is the mifery of man to be without God,the happineffe of man tohave God for his God, to be able to fay withThomas, My godmangy Lord, and in all eilates to cry with David, OLord thou aremy refuge; and my. portion in the land of the living. 1 t is mans having of God that makes the meditationof God Tweet and comfortable to man. What doth the fhiningóf the Sunne advantage man if his eye receive not the light thereof? What dothplenty of' water in the well benefit the thirfly, if he neither draw nor drinke of it ? What did filnefíeofbread in his Fathers houle profit theprodi ;all forme living among the (wine, and ready toflarve with lacke of bread ? What Both it availe thefoule that God is an eternal!, an Almighty, an Ai.leei.ng, an al- infficient God, ifhe live like the fwine, and feed upon the huskes ofthe world,and come not unto God, have no intereft in God, no tatle, no fence,no feeling of thegoodnefïeofthis God, he mitt!: ftarve, dye, perifh, and be damned without l Gods 439