i 440 Excellencyof intereft in Clod. God : The charge therefore given to the children in Salo- mon concerning wifdome, let me give to you concerning God, Get Cod, fret the Lord,forget him not, neither declinefrom the Work of hù month, forfal e himnot,and he Ihall pre/e rvethee, love himandhefhall keep thee, Gad id theprincipal! thina,thesforeget Clod, and 'withal! thy frettingget the Lord.Thegaineofall is lotle without God, the: lot1 of all is gaine withGod; have all the powerof theworld without God thou art wcake; have all the wealthof theearth without God thou arepoore; have all the learning, art and policye of men and Devils without God, thou art foolifh, blindeand ignorant ; have all thehonoursof Nobles, Kingsand Emperours without God, thou art bale;; have all the beauty of the comelieft creatures withoutGod, thou art ugly, loathfome andmonftrous ; have all worldly and flefhly joyes and pleafures without God, thy foule is in a con- ditionof torments ; have all the liberties, immunities, and prerogatives ofthe freefc Cities, States and Bingdomes, yet without God,thouart in the moft difhonourable, flavilb and baieft bondage ; have God, and though thouhalf nothingelf , thou'haft the ftrongeft rocke to fupport thee, the brighteft Sun to guide thee, the nobleft crowne to honour thee, the chotfeft pearle to enrich thee, the fulleft fountaine to fill thee, the fweetcft Páradtfe tofolace andde- light thee,even God himfelftobe all in all, in fleadof all, and ten thoufand times more then all for ever unto thee. FIAIS,