A Table of the chiefe things con- tained in this Treatife,onPfal. j 18.z,26. CHAP. I. A N Itlufrationof Christs comming andentertainment, and [] opening the Words, Pag.i. Note i , Chriftcomming proves molt ioyfull to them thatPaving. ly receive andentertainehim, P.4. Note 2, (Man bathgreatest caul?ofall creatures to reioyce in, andfor the comming of C'hrift9efus, ibid. Note 3. Whofoever trulyreioyceth in C'hrift,doth alfo with well to the (wife andKingdome of Christ, Note 4. The Lord7efus ought to bethe prime andcompleate 06- ieEl of mans ioyfulneffe, ib. Note 5. Blefed f rs that per /on that knoweth theWay andmanner of Chriss s irituall andgraciouscomming, p.6, CHAP, II. `Declaring the ioyfull receiving of Christ, p . Dot}.Chris comming in his Goffell andfpirituallKingdome ought to be receivedwith much thankgiving andreioycing, ib. 5. Groundshereof, 13.9. Cleareandcomfortable Revelation of Clod in Chri f , 2 , Spi- ritual) Liberty by Christs comming, 3. Heavenly ViElory, 4.Spirituallpeace, 5.Soule-refefhing Communion With Çod, ob- tained by Chriftscomming, p.9,i e, i 1,1 2,13,1+ CHAP.