Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Table. CHAp.III. Relating their miferableCondition to whom Chrifl is unWelcoíre, p.15. 5.Crounds of Chrifis unwelcomneffe. I.Ignorance. 2 Earthly mindednef fe. 3.Vnfenfsbleneffe. 4.ContrAriety to Chrift. 5 In-1 fidelity, p.18,19,2ò.' CHAp.IV. 7' erfwading to a ioyfullentertainment ofChrifl, r.22. Manner how Chris`t swift be entertained. I . Spiritually. 2. Spee- dily. 3,C'ordia/y. q..Cheerfu/ly, 5 .Hnm6ly, e.Clnefy. .Fully. 8.perperually, p.24,25,26;;27;28,29, 30. CS' A p. V. Trefcribing meaner dif 5ofingand ina6ling man ro receive Chrift ioyfu/ly, p.31. The means. I.Fulldepofition ofwhat ú contrary to Chri.£1t,asftn, theworld,our felfe. 2.Holy preparation to heare Chrill in the Cas`fell, 3 .Gracious intereft in Chrift. 4. Cleare difcernement of Chrifts worth. 5.Holy making ufe of Chrifl in the Cláffiell. 6.Heavenly fence and experience of Chrifts work,: upon our fames, p.34, tó39.. C. H A P . V I. inducements to a joyful'entertainment ofC'hrift, p.39 6.Inducements. I.TheCondition of the Creature without Chrift being empty, .uncomfortable, inthralling, and polluting. 2.cí1 through viewof manseflate without Chrift. 3,The terrible ap- prehenfion of god without Chrift. 4, Frufrationof al' Gods Ordinances C'briftnot entertained 5. Excellency and utility of Chrift received ; giving life, light, health, honour, riches,'pro sÿerity, fweetnef fey comfort, fatufatlion,and abidingfubfiance. I 6.Faliening thoughts on brevity of life, 5 I. CHAP.