The Table CH.A VII. O'ianifefl Lion$ of Chrilit welcome, P.5-2* Chrifit zrticame wanifefled. i .By opening the heart to him. 2 By aarnifbing the heartfor him. 3.By offering our felves to CG,rilf, 4.73y exalting Chri_ff. g.By faith and love to Chrift, confior_ mirywith chrifi,and acquiefcence in Chrifi, p.5 2353. Want of ioyfullreceiving of Chrifi, fhewes want i .of knoroled;,ie. 2. Of Love, 3.Of Faith. 4..Ofprizing Chrifl. g.Ofrelijhing Chxi, P.54,55,56 Toy in ChrifiscomingperfWaded, P. 57. CHAP. VIII., The neceftyandexcellencyofadvancing t ¿rifisGof el and3'ing. dome is demonfirated, p.58. Doff. It is theduty of all people, urfainedly to defire, andear.. nefily to endeavour thewelfare, promotion, andadvancement of Cbrift, his .ffiirituall Kingdome andGoffell, ib. 5.groundt hereof. 1. 7he Covenant between than and Chrifi, 2.The Relation. 1.Chriftt in,cerefiin Man. 4, The Su6ver-. fion of Satan. 5.7heglory andcrowne. of the Church, p.62, 63 ,64,65,66,67. . H A p. I Xr. The, impietyof three forts ofmen is opened, p.6$, i.Non- recardera of the Welfare of the Goffell. 2.Oppofroof the JCoffell. 3. grievers at:heprasrferity of the Coffell, p.6$, 69,70. grounds ofnot regarding the welfareóf the gosfell, p.69. Groundsofoppoftng theGoffell, p,7e,7E. CRAP. X. The fittingup of Chrifti Kingdoms and Goffell st perfwaded, Parties by whom ChristX'ingdotate and Gafpellif to be exalted, v`Yfa-