'The Table. Note. Hoy and faithfull c linifers are the ins'trumextall Cate- fisof c reat blefngs to gods Churchand fervants, p.99. Noto. It mull be the care of cíMiniflers fo to demean them- felves in their function that theyprove ablcng to the people, p 10o.¡, Note. The labours of gods Miners prove a blefnQ only to' fuchpeople as rejoice in, andendeavour the advancement of the Gofpell, ib. Doe. God by his holy and faithfull Miniflers difperfeth very' great, fweet, andheavenlyblefhgs:dojo Churchandfervants, ib. 3.Grounds hereof, I. godscommunication of Chris$ to the foules ofmen by the labours afar Miniflors, 2.The evilsfrom 11'hich f goddeliversman by the labours of his Miniflors, 3.Theblef- fed eflate'thereinto Godputsman by the Labours of his Mi- niFiers, 6.Communicationsof thrill by the Labours ofgosh Ministers. I.The Knowledje of Chrifl. 3.7 he Faith of Chrifl, 3.The Life- of Chrill. 4.The Love of Chrifl. S, The `Peace of Chrifl. , 6. Thewholetreafury of Chrifl, Deliverance from3.evilsdifpenfed by Gods cMiniflerr. i.Frosm fpiritualldeath. 2.From blindnefe. 3, From bondage. 4. From uncleannefe, 5. From foule-tortures, p.r o6. Chan put intoa condition of6.Excellencies by the indufiry of Gods ciiuirifiers. 1.0f Wifedome. 2,Of Sanîliftation. 3.Of Freedeme. 4.0fExaltation. 5.Of Satisfatlion, 6.OfDura- tion, p.107,108. C P. X V. 0penin?mans unhetppines not enioyi,ggods lblinißers, p.109. c 2Wans eflate without the gofpell an eflate 1.0f Death 2.0f Darknefe. 3.0fServitude. 4 OfEmp:inefe. 5.0f 'Unclean.. nefe. 6.Of SorroWes, ,p.I O I I I. The folly of Efrangement from the Gofpell,with thegroundsand evils ofit, p.112. Cure of Non- efrangement from the Gofpell urged. Evils of Efirangement opened, p.1 13,1 14,11 5. ,gofpell not to befleightedb worthy offullandhonourable,embrace- ment, p. I I 5. IK k A