The Table. .The holy inclination of agracious heart unto Chrift. 3.7he' vanity andnothingneff 'e which a gracious man feet inhimfe/fe, 1 and in all things Without Chrift. 4.The holy, powerful', and trniverfa/l reine of Chrift isagracious. foule. 5.The holyand fervent defire of agracious foule to exalt andJet up Chrift. 6. flgraciousfoules acquiefcence and contentation in and with the approbation of Chrift, p.126, I 27,I 28,129,131. CHAP. IV. Difcovering thedanger ofthewant of Self -den.yall, p. 13 2. 5.Sorts of Non.denycr, of themfelves. r, Self-Wife. 2. Self. willed. 3.Se/f-lufi°ed. 4 worldly minded. 5.Veluptuoufly and ambitioußyaffeEled,andfuperfiitiouflydevoted, p.133,134. CHAP. V. Propojing thegrounds or caufes ofmens backWardne f fe indenying themfelve.r, and putting all under Chrift, p.135 76round' hereof. I.Sef-prizing. 2.Ovcrfwaying lufts. 3.In- ordinate d!pofition towards tie creature. 40ver-prizing of man. 5.Carnalljudging andmiflakingof Chrift. 6.Corrupt flamingand devif:ng offalfe Chrifts, and falfewayestolife. 7. Ignorance of the nature and fweetneffe of Chrifls yoal¿e, p.136,137,138,1.39. CHAP. VI. Relatingcertaine very great evil, andinconveniencesarifin`from the want of Self-denyall, p.142. j9. evils iffuinghence. i.Vnca ableneffeof Chrift. 2. Aliena: ion from the benefits andcomforts of Chrift. 3. Vanity, empti. neffeandhollownef fe ofproferfaon. 4.SubieElion and e4bafernent under the creature. 5.flnnihilation of thefruit and benefit of Cbrifzssdeath. 6.Deprivationof the heavenly fruit and foule.. refreflina comforts of Gods Ordinances. 7.great andmanifold lofes attending the want of Selfdenyall, andSubieaion tinder Chrift. 8. flpoftacy fromChrift. 9,Chriftsdenyallana relu-; K Elton