Zhe .Tabic. Rion offilch aq Will not deny,themfelves for him and hit fake, p.14 ,í43,I44,145. CHAP. VII. erjrAsadinZ . mste to wirke, hit heart toa -: fall and through Self- denyall, p.247. QualificationsofSe f denya!l. I Spiritua11.2.Voluntary, 3 ,Vni- ver/a!l, 4,Comiauall, p.148. Su3iecçion unto Chri s accompanies Selfdenyall, p, 149, uali fications ofSubieRion. I.Holy. 2, Cor icll, 3.Full. 4,Pcr_ petudll, P-1 49-. 7.Inducetrl°nts to Sel`denyall, T. Chrifls interefl ina Chrfilian, 2.. The relation betWeen Chrifi and Chrfiians, 3 Cods lubie- ¿tingaidputting all things under Cr.'. é. 4.'The a?ufe of all things whichare not made ¡tibied and fërviceable unto Chr. . .Swcet and heavenly comforts arifng from Selfdenyall to the foule, 6.Themitt2aeion andfweetning of 'all difafbrs. 8.The Contentation Which miniféers withshe leafs earthly portion, p=I 5 0, 15 1, I,5 2, CHAP. VIII.. Propounding certaine cleare and appartint chara1trs of true and Chriflian Self-denyall, p 153. 5.Markr or charaltcrs hereof. I. Captivation of Self-reafon, 2,Ceffation fromMans oWne Selfe, 3.Fulland free application ofMans Selfe to Chrifl. 4. Humble andhearty a1èrt6ing ofall Mans good to God. 5.ßi low prizing and Chriflianunder- valuing of Mans Safe, and all, things eke in comparifon, of Chrifl; P.159. CHA P. IX.' Setting dorm other marksandcharetlers of Chrtflian Self-denyal, p.161. 5. Other mark. I.. Voluntary and cheerfull defertion and lea- ving offall for Christ. z, Mant pleating and delighting him- felfein Chrift under the Croe. 3.7heprizingof Chrifls Crof fie above the Worlds Crowne. 4.c.Man making it hit greatefl.ho- »our.to honour Chrift. 5. flheartfencere,humble,piatus,plain, ,f grievingly,