Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Table. grievingatevill, and reioycingingood,p. 6z,163,164,í65, 166,167. CRAP. X. DetetfinQ divers deceits in and about the works of Self_denyall, p.170. (-Man ù apt to deceive himfefe in this Works of Selfdenyall 8.Wayes, by denying himfelfe. i,Supergitioufly, 2,Covetoufly. 3,7'artially, 4.Confrainedy. 5.Hypocritically, 6.Siriflerly and politickey. 7.yaineglorioufly. 8,Temporarily, p.i71, 172,173,174,175. CH A P. XI. Shewing howa Chriflian may comfort himfelfe in this Worke of Self-denyal' againfl remaining andrebelling lulls, p.176. 1. By the troublefomnefe of them to his foule. 2. By the godly grief ofhi, heart for them. 3.23y his holyand-conJiant conte- fiation againfl them. 4. By his being humbled for the want of humility. 5. By his frequent and fervent prayer to be purged andemptied of allprideandfe f love, p.178,179. CHAß. XII. Laying open the fhammefull and dangerous evill of Self-feeking, p,180. Self-feeking a root of i z.bitter branches, being 'i. Infatìable, 2.Hypocriticall, 3 ,Polltìting, 4,glienating, 5.Full of mislay- full meanes. '6.Vnthankefull anddifcontented, p.44,45,46,47, 48,49,50,181,182,i84,185,I 88, a 89. CHA'?. XIII. Repeatingother evils ofSelf-feekng, p.191. Self-feeki,ng is 7. Attentive ,to evill counfell. 8.Servile andaba- f:ng. 9. Idolatrous. Io. Self -looting. IT. 'Undervaluing holy things, an.1 12.the turfedmother of many unhappy children, as I.Imbondagement. 2. Enmity. 3. Cruelty. '4. Caufelefeyea- loufie, 5. Soule- torturing griefs. 6. 7anfuccefefulne,(ie, and K(3 7. Loafing