T he Table. 7.Loofinthscomfort ofprefent havings, 9;,I94, 197,198,199,200,201. Self-feelZing hozr to be handled, p,201. CHAP. XI V. (Mentioning the danger ofSelf-admiration, p.2o2. 6.Evilsof Self - admiration. 1,Self-ignorance. 2.Nonapprehen- faveneffeof theperfelïionsof Çiod,and beauties of Chrift.3.In- gratitude and Sacriledge. 4.Vncepableneffe of Chrifi. 5,Ali- enationfrom god: 6.Shame andconflation. Cureof Self admiration prefcribed, p.203,204,205. 206. C H. A P. X V. Handling the danger of Selfexaltation, p.207. 9..Evils of Self.,xaltation, heing t.Theroot of may foWle impi- eties. 2 The `Patron andprotellor of all other vices. 3.The mote invincible of all vices. 4.The corrupter anddeferoyer ofall other gifts. 5. Keeping thefoule barren. 6.. e.ribufing God, 7.Sefdeceiving. 8. Shamefully abating ratan. 9. Alienating from Heaven, p.208,2o9,2I0,2II,2I 2,213. 214,215. CH A P. XVI. Opening the ,grounds of maw proneneffe to exalt himfelfe, and bac&irardneffe to exalt and jet up Chrift, p,215. 5.C/rounds hereof. I ,Mans ignorance of his owns corrupt and bareelate. 2.cMaos inconfideratenef fe of hisreceivings. 3 .Fer. getfulneffe of mans place andRation. 4 Mirprifion of the true gloryof man. 5.Vnfenfbleneffe:of the n4happy fruits of Self - exaltation, p,215,218. Se f exaltation cured by 7.confiderations. i. codmakes the dife rente. z.Not the hewing, but the Welltiling of the gift is the ho- nour of the receiver. 3.Giftsp,uf fi4g up,, prove acagfe. 4.Mans tenure is a tenancy at wil4, 5,The glory and foulef fe of man is Chrit, 6.The i f fueof gelis notfo »mch.dependent upen theex- cellency ofma 'ar alilitier,: at open the all-dit frofng handofClod. 7 Sudden