The Table. 7,Sadden and anexpetled changer, may and often doe come, p.219,220. CHAP. XVII. Rehcarfing the prerogatives andpriviledges of Self-denyall, sand their bappineffe wAodeny them¡eives, p.2 2L. 7.Prerogatives of .S'elf-denyall. I. Full and comfortable fruition of Chrifl'. 2.Invinciblenefe in af faults. 3.endearement ofman to God. . exaltation of »fan. 5. Sweet and blefTed freedom. 6.Peaceableneffe. i.Fruitfulnefe in all graces, ,p.222, 223, 224,225. CHAP. XVIII. Manifeffing mani having of f irituall life not of himfelfebut of Chrifl, p.228. Do&. It rsplain and manifeft to ,the experience ofClods chil- dron, that they have not the life ofgrace andholinef fefrom them- felvei butfromChrifl fefus, p.230. groundshereof, ib. Suchas have no experience ofnett life are no children of God, p.232. CHAP. XIX. 'Detnonfrating Chrifis being the Authour of fpirituall life, p.232. Doti. Chrifi is the Authour offpirituall life to all rods chil- dren, ib. 6.Crounds hereof, I.Mans lienation from the life of grace. 2.Chris% Ordination to mi.,iffier life. 3, The insufficiency of any ereatedpower togive life. 4Theexcellency offpirituall life. 5. r he Mediumoffpirituall life. 6.The oppofstionmade 4244 the working of fpirituall life, p.233,234,236. CHAP. XX. Declaring mans inability to quicken himfelfe, perfwading to come to Chrifi, Jhewing the unworthine f e ofhis fervices without Chris, p.239. K .4 Mans