The Table. Mans inability to quicken himfelfe made apparamt. 1. By having noprinciple ofgrace. 2.By his utter blindnefe. 3.By his de- clination of the means of grace. 4.By his enmity againft the miniltery, 5. By the fweetnefe of fin tohu palate. 6, By hisdi- ,Jbonourableopinion ofholineffe,. p.149. Ellen without Chris`? dead men. For t . Blindne f fe. Vcifenfible- neffe, 3.Weakfsseffe, 4.Separation from Chrift. 6. Crowing wort andworfe, p.242. (Mansheftworkswithout deadworks. t .`Proceeding from acor- rupt principle. 2.Morall andnot fpirit, all, formall andnot po- wer-full.. 3. Cold, 4 Tending to bare ends, p.242,243. The rail? of dpiritualllifedue to Chriff, CHAT. XXI._ Shelving that Chrifl-livethtrnAll Clods children, p246 Dolt. C'hri/t lives inCjodr children by his holy andpowerful(work of Sanctification, p.247. 5.Groundshereof declaring Chrifts living ingods children. t.By way of Originall, 2.Bywayof Conitanliion. 3,By way of In- fluence, 4.By .way of jCubernation. 5.Byway ofprefervat on, p.248,249,25°'25I CHAP.XXII. Defcribing what is the living of C'hrill inClods children, with the manner of it, p 252-. Themanner of C' beginning to live inman, is I ..By aWake- ninçman. 2.By humbling man. 3;Bymak'ng man refileffe nn- tillhe is tranflated out of his corrupt eftate. 4.87 the Revela- tion of himfelfe in man. 5,By working a gracious change in man, P.253)25 4,255 ,256. CHAP. XXIIL.. Manifefting the noblenefe ofaehfitian lifeaboveall other lives, p.258. Thehonourablen.:ffe of Christian lifeevidenced, I.By the orio,i- nall. 2 By the nature, 3. B. the rarity. 4. By the pleafantne f fe of it. 5.By thedignity to which itexalteth. 6.By the loWnefe of mans eflatewithout it. 7.Bymans honourable walking in,Whom Chrift l