Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Chrifl liveth. 8.By the terme to whicha Chriflian liveth, ib. Livin@'to Jof, what, 259i26c,26,1,262. CH AP. XXIV. Catsfes obfcuring the honourable life got Chriflian are laiddown,, p.164,165. 7.Caufes hereof. I.Secrecyoffpirituall life 2..lgnorance of car- mall men. 3 Reproach. 4.Remaining corruption. 5.Nltsiudg ing. 6.Bafeoutfde. 7.Affliaions, p 266,267. ChAr. XXV. `Proving the life of a Chriflian to be cheerfulllife, p.269. /tithe life of a true Chriflian there is a 7.fold joy, the joy I.Of' Life, 2.Of Light.: 3.Of Liberty. 4. Of ViEEtory. 5,OfRege- neration and Son-fhip, 6.0f Riches. .Of Peace, p,i7o,271, 8.caufes or grounds of Sorrow ire-F s children. I.,Rem,ining corruption. 2, Particularaberrations. 3. Satans af faults, 4 Im- piety of others. 5.Forefight of future calamities. 6.Sence of Churches mifiries, P.2722z73,275- CHAP. XXVI. Ch'iffs living in man charaPerized, p.2.7, 6. io.Charalters of C'hrifisli;iná in man.. i Purityofconverfa- tion. 2.C./1i/ans invincibleneffe. 3,Prefirvation from finne and.' the world. 4.expuifion. of what is contrary to Chrifl. 5. 8m tracement of what fuites with Chrifl by the Or- dinances. 7.The fweet reilif of Chrifl to thefade .8;Heavenly heate.9. Highprizi,g of Chrifl, o,Care to keep vhrift,p.276, 276;279,28J,281. CH A P. XXVII Exhorting to di!cerne (brill living in tir, 11.241.- Latitudes of( hrifts living in man, p.28 s. Allthings vaine and uncomfortable not difeerning Chrift living inthem, P3- A Table