Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Table. 0%.0 Ly`31 .0 C ATableof the chiefe things contai. ned in theTreatife on thefecondof the Ephea7Js, V S R. I2. CHA r. I. CHewing mans Alienation from Chrifl,mifer Without Chrrfl, J andopening the Scope of thewords, /, 29/ Note. The time ànd feafon ofmans being without the Got ell, andunder the power of his corruption,is of all timesandfeafons themoll unhappyandmiferáble, Note. All men abiding under the power of their corruption without exception miferable, p.294. Doe. i . All men in their naturaliandcorrupt condition are alto- getherfirangers to Chrsfl7e,Ii s, p.295. UW?ans Alienationftom Chrifl ;I/aerated, p.294, CHAP. II. Laying down4.grounds ofcarnali mans Alienation fainChrift, p.297. I,Plenary Subietlion under fanne. 2. Mans uncapableneffe of Chrift. i. The Worlds full pofreon of carnal! man, 4. Carnal! mans repugnancy again, Chriff, p.29$, 299,3(0. CHAP. III. Setting pen the dolefulnefre and danger of mans eflate without Chriff, 13.302. .Man Without Chri.Ut ís without Life, Without Light, without grace,