Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Table. grace, without liberty, without acceptationwith od, without firituall beauty, tir.+thout honour, without: peace' pro- tetlion, fupportation, remifon,ble ng, andfalv,tion,p,303, 304.to31t. CHAP. IV. Declaring mans great çauf of humiliation for being without Chrift and alto difcovering the cause of mans undervaluing ChriFf, p.3 r 2. Latitudes ofcarnalimans being without Chrsfi, p,3 13 ,to 3 2o., Grounds of difcfleeming Chriff, want of knowlec4re, no tafle of Chriff, no love to Chriff, no Chrifl, no longings,af -- ter Chrifl, ib. CHAP. V. Opening the folly of man in reflraining his faune, andcontenting himfelfe without Chrifl, p.; 21. S,charac`íers of mansbeingVtithout Chriff, 1.1-lis being without thefpirit and grace of Chriff, p.3 z 2, 2. Hia Subiell'ion under any 1,0,1%323. 3, I.'cs confinement of himfelfewithinhimfelfe, p.3.24. 4. By a fourefoldfulneffe. i . Self -fulnef fe, 2 , Fulnefe offin. 3.Fulneffeof man. 4,Fulneffe of the world. 5.CMan.r fpirituallemptinefeof Chriff, as ofthe life, knowledge, polder, libertyand love which Chrif difpenfeth, 326, 327,328, 3 32, 333 CHAP. VI. Exhorting to comeout of our naturall andcorrupt effate, p.337. Evils of mars corrupt eflate, barrenneffe, exilement from (jai, enmitya;ninf God, flavery to Satan, the worldandcorruption, curfes andwoes, P.339. Meaner offreedom from this corrupt efface, attendance on the reord,goalyfarrowfor fin, frequent and feriotu viewoftheevili ofthes corrupt effate, andaddreffement to Chrif byfaithfulland ferventprayer, 10.341. CHAP. VII. Pcrfwadhtg to thanksgiving for deliverance out of ournatural? and