Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Table. Doe'. ;. 4/l proph2ne and carnal/ perfons are aliens to the true Churchof Chrifl,andall the Ifliritua /1 prit i!edges thereof, p. ì o 5I. Communion Withcarnali men to be /hunted; p.3.6 I. Carnal/ men aliens to Clods children, having neither thefume pa- rent,tbefame head;nor thefamegracious qualities, ib.1 CHAP. XII, Layingdown thegrotends ofcarnal/ mans alienation from the srue ChurchofChrif$, r.161. 5. Grounds hereof I. Alienation from the head of the CLurch. .Want ofthe feed of the Church. 3,Privarion ofthe qualities of the Church. 4. Exclufion from the covenant of the 6 hurch. 5,E.FIrangtment from the life, light, faith, liberty, Wedloc/Ze, andreceivings of the Church, p.3,64,365,366. CHAP. XIII. Difcourfingof the unhappy condition and impofbility oftheir fat vationwho areorangers to the true Church, p.369. He that is affranQer to the true Church, is aflranger i .To Chrig. 2-.To the promife ofgrace. 3.To the love of Chriff. 4.To the prefince of Chris`/. 5.r, the communications of Chrill, and 6.To the protetiionof Chrifl, p.37o. efl firanger to the Church, afiranger to falvation, beingwithout god,wit haut Chri f l, andWithout regeneration, p.37 CHAP. XIV. Di/Covering the vanity of carnal/ mans applauding andpleaftstg himfelfe With being borne within the Church, andexhorting to fani-li fication, P.3. .72 Nan livingwithin the Church inprophanenef fe is I.An unbelee- ver. 2.4 very hypocrite. 3 eA defiler of things jacred, 4.4 fcandall to the Church. 5. Lyable to thefeverefl condemna- tion, P 374' Comfortable fruitsof holinefe, ib. C giA P. .4