The Table CFiA Handling; corrupt and carnal! mans efirangementfrom the cove- nant ofgrace, p.376. Doé.4. Illcorrupt andcarnali perfons areflrangers to gods co- venant of grace and falvation by C'hrifl, ib. 6.crounds of carnalmans alienationfrom the covenant ofGrace. I,Ignorance. 2.tillienation from Chrifi. 3,Enmity againi God. 4, Agreement withfin, 5.Ahfence of. the Spirit, 6,Want of faith andobedience, P.377. CIt A P. XIVI. Di!playing themiferyand comfortablenefeof menaeftateWith- out thecovenant, p.385. (Man without the covenant is t. gfiranQcr to (hrift. 2.EP J'ty of heavenlygifts. 3,Without Gods gracioueprotec`fion, 4,Wit',out fpirituall title to any good thing. 5 ,Without thebiding ofgod, and 6,Without peace, CHAP.XVII. Propofing certaine marl and charaanteri of mans being within the covenant, P.38 8. r..Mans being in thecovenant evidenced. j. By Gods brio? all in all unto man, 2,By mans full application of himflfe to Clod, 3.By mansparticipation of the benefits comprifedunder the co- venant, as 1.7he donation of the Spirit. 2. Communion with the Saints. 3 Regeneration. 4.Spirituall Liberty. 5,Terfeve- rar,ce, P.389. Exhortation toga'interef in the covenant, p.394. c)Wcanes interefling in the covenant. i .Forfaking offin. 2,For- faking of ourfelves. 3,Relinquifiment of the world. 4 Reie- Ilionof intimatecommunion with carnallpeople. 5. Attendance on the Word. 6.Readyandfull receiving of Chr, p.395 CH Ar. XVIII. `Declaring themïferyofnatural! Manwithout hope, P.399.