Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

The Table. Do& Corrupt and carnall man hathno triteandaffuredhope of falvation, P4 oo, grounds hereof I Hïs unclableneffeof Chrifl ian Hope. 2, Hu want ofthe infirumentall cau,feof Hope. 3 , His alienationfrom thepillars ofHope. 4,Húofrangementfrom the way tofalva- tiany m002401,402. C .iAP.XIX. Shewing the falfe props upon whichcarnal/men buildtheir hopes, P.40 3 r,duperflitiouiobfervations. 2.Aformallprofefon, 3.Elymofi- vary duties. 4.Not 6eiv fro bad as others. ;,The mercies of god and merits of Chrif. 6. Humiliation and Repentarce. 7g-heir reformations 8. Their duties, p,4o4,4o5,4o6,4o7, 408,409 CHAP. XX. Shewinghor et manmay di /erne thefoundneffeofhishope,p.41 r. I .Bypreparation to Chrifl, 2.By a conflantfludy andpraRfe of holinef e. 3.By a holypatience towards god 4.73y adelight in Godand Chriß, S. By a holyfecurity, 6,By thinking lowly ofourfelves,and high1 of Chrifl, p.-}11,41 2,41 3,414. CHAP. XX!. Declaringmans elirangement from god: p.41 ¶. Do& .11dan in his carnall eflate is altogether eflrangedfrom god, P .4í6. grounds hereof. I. His oppoftion and contrariety to god 2. Hte eflrangement from the life of goa. 3.His eflrangement from the knowledge of God. 4.Hie eftraneementfrom the love of god. 5.Hie eflra,sgement fiord the .firianall miniFtrations of cod.. 6.11is eftrangement from Chrifl. 7.His efiranóement from the remembranceofGod, P.4' 7,418,4 s 9,410,421,.}22, CHAP. XXII. Opening the Atheifineofman,and the hainonfneffethereof, p.423. Athci. s