Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

3 E I _ Chrifl received fully. felfe and all things to vaile and ffoop to him. 7. Fully. 7. Fully. Whole Chrift mull be received , we muff en- tertaine Chrift according to all his Latitudes, as all the points and lines are received in one Center, whole Chrift muff meet in mans heart, as in a Center : Wemuff receive Chrift inhis perfora, as God and man in one perfon, as our onely Mediator, the only Jacobs ladder, by whomGod and all bleifings come downe to us, and by whom we afcend againe to God. We muff receive Chrift in his littriAtstes, in his wifedome, as a light to guide us ; in his power, as a rocke to fupport us ; in his truth, as a faithfull witneffe that never deceives us ; in his juftice as a righteous Judge to awe us ; in his mercy, as a King of mercies to forgive us ; in his holineffe , as a fountaine of grace to finC1ifie us; inhis righteoufncfl'e, as a royal! roabe tocloathe and cover us ; and in his love,as abridegroome to marry us,and in his All- fufficiency asa fountaine to fill us.Wemuff receiveChrift in all his Offices, as a Prophet to inffruc4 us, making Chriffs dafrine the compleat and only rule of' our faith and obe- dience ; as a King to reigne and rule over us, whollyfub- jeLling our felves to the Scepter of Chrift Jefus ; as a Prieft to fanetifie us, to expiate our ofenccs, and make atonement for us, relying folely on Chrifts merits. We muff receive him in all his Ordinances, in hisword regenerating, renewing, reforming us;in his Sacramentfeafting, ftrengthc- ning, fealìng uphis love, and the forgivenef eof our (in unto us : We muff receive him in his Iilinifters, as a Prince in his Embaffidors ; as a Bridegroome in his friends, in his members ; as a father in his children ; as a husband in his wife, in his precepts, as a King in all his Lawes obeying them in his pronsips, as a faithfull friend in all his words beleeving them ; in his gifts and difpenfations , as a giver in his gifts, as a workman in his workmanfhip ; as the eye receiveth the Sunne in his light, and the ground the cloud in the raine, and dew diftilling thereupon : Wee muff re- ceive him in our underftandings as a light, in our mils as a Prince, in our thoughts as a treafure, in our affections as a. Lord and Maffer,fearing him, as a fure foundation, building upon