3 g ul aki.nQ ueof Chrifl Experience of Chrifisworks. as the honey or the honey'-combe ; ftrive then more clear- ly to difcerne the worth of thrift, if you intend the in- ir .a 3 creel.- ofyour comfort in Chritl: The .prophane ' Gaderine that thinks more highly of his fwine then of Clirifl never meets with joy in Chrif. 3.Ilol,v ma. 5. Holy and gragcietes making life of ' Chrifl in theggoilell. king nfeof The ,eye makes ufe of the Sunne, it fees by it ; the care C4r;4t. makes ufe of the voice, it difcernes what is fpoken by it; the thirfry traveller makes ufe of the fountains , he quen- ched) his thirft with it, refrefheth himfelfe by it.: And all thefe rejoyce, the eye in. the Sunne, the ears in the found, and the thirfly in the fountaine, and in thefe they rejoyce becaufe they make ufe of them. Make ufe then Of Chrift'in his Gofpell; as a fcholler loth of' his teacher, learning heavenly wifedome; as a fìcke, man doth of his Phyfitian, recovering fpirituall health by him ; as a belie- ged City doth of their Captaine, feelinghim calling dowse the holds of fine, and refloring thy fouls to freedome;as the wife man in the parable did of the rocke, build_upon Ihim ; the more ufe you make of Chrifl, the more aim- ; fort you fhall find,. in Chrifl, Chrift is both unprofitable and uncomfortable to him that makes no ufe of him, as, a fealed Well, and an eclipfed Sunne. "There is a price (faith Solomon) in the hand of a facie, but he bath not aheart tò make ufe of him. We have Chiill in the Gofpell, apearle of' great price, and it is mans exceeding great foolifhneffe not tomake ufe of Chrifl left's. 6 Experience 6. Blefed andheavenly fence, and experience of Chriflsfan. IofCh;itL; fl. i ifying andfavirg works, upon our fogies in the Çofjicfl. The °5ng WO "h influence and operation of the Sunne upon the earth in the Spring, makes it appeare very pleafant and j:>yfirll ; the 'fence of Chrifls gracious worke upon the heart, glade the m Cant.i.4. heart, he +r broach: me (faith the Spoufe) into bio chambers, that is, he revealed unto me the fecret of the Lord,the fe- cret worke of the Lard in the illumination of my under- ftanding, in the regenerating of my heart, in the quick- fling of my foule, in the putting of a new natureupon me, in the pacifying of my confcience, and comforting ofmy foule,'