Conditionof Creature without Chrift. 39 fouie, thefe'are the chambers wheteinto (he was brought, the fecret and blt.ffed wayes of Chrift with a gracious foule; and what found fhe in thefe chambers ? how was fhe af- felted with this worke of Chrif} ? Tve will (faith fhe) be glad and rejoyce in thee, zre will remember thy love more then. Wine. Experience of Chrifls gracious operation upon man makes the foule of man joyful! ; the more we feelc the bleffcd working of Chrifl within us, the greater are our rejokcings ; Mans unfenfbleneffe of Chrift and his gra- cious difpenfations, deprives manof Chrifts fweet and Wet'. fed comforts, CH lip. V I, ^ÇHe third thing is Motivuìn. The inducements perfwa i ding to a ready and j?yfull embracement and receiving ofChrift commie; in his Gofpell; and fpirituall kingdome, and to move our Pelves to this let us wifely confider, and fe- rioufly !coke upon, 1. The condition of the creature without Chrift. To him that receives not Chriff, the creature, all earthly perfeftion and fulnefleis r. an empty thing, it never filleth, never fatis- fieth, never contented] him that hath it ; the more man drinks of this brooke, not drinking of Chrifl, the full and everliving fountaine, the more hee thirtieth; the more he feeds on this, not feeding on Chrift , the true breadof life, the more his hunger increafeth : The foule which re- ceies not Chriff, like thehorfleaches daughters in Solomon, is ever crying, give, give, and can never have enough:The fulnefle of the world without Chrift is but a dry bone without marrow, an empty pit without water, a barren tree without fruit, like that in the Gofpell which had !cafe VAut no fruit, promifing much to him that beholds it afarre off' Inducements" t cntercair.e Chriftjoyfuay , Condition of creature, ,,Empty,