Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

nGen 40 Creatureuncomfortable. off, but miniftring no fatisfaftion to them that draw mare unto it,; emptanef ever attends their greatefl poffeflious who are firangers to Chrift Iefias ; the Ioule is a veffli of that largenelè that none can fill it but Chrift, in whom is all fulneffe; the barren eares in Pharaohs dreame eat up the full, and the leant ine eat up the fat ; and when they had ea- 41.20,2 r ten them. up, it ° could not be knobwe they had eaten them; but they were All ii'-favoured. i1on that 4ayes upon the creature, and comes not to Clarift , that entertafnes the creature and not Chrift, eats up the full and fat of the earth, and yet it cannot be knowne that he hath eaten, his de- fires andhis hunger after ir, are as great as ever ; he is no- thin g at all filled with it, bis defìres grow as his pof- 1 feffeffons grow, the creature bath a power to inflame, but not to fatisfie mans delire ; ordinarily the greatest worldly pofleffors are vexed with moll infatiable delires ; of' fuch the Lord faith , they Jball not be fatisfied, and their defre is enlarged as hell, and they can never have enough ; The emptineffe of the creatures mull make Chrift the more pre- cious in our apprehenfions. Hagar feeing the emptineflè of her bottle, came readily for water to the fountaine ; the emptineffe of' the creature fhould make us ready in coin- ruing unto, and cheerfiall in the entertainment of Chrift Iefus ; the gracious and through receiving oftheLord lefus is the only way to fatisfadion and fialneff. a.Uncolnfor. 2. The creature to him that receives not Chrift is an un- table. comfortable thing. The world without the Sunne is an un- comfortable dwelling ; the fulneflè of the world without Chrift is an unquiet pofheffion ; the watersofMarahwith -, o Exodo1.2 5. out the tree were °bitter , the children of Ifrael could not drinke of them ; the greatest rivers, the deepefl (buds , and moil pleafant things of earthly abundance, are very bitter and diflaflefull without Chrift ; Christ is the fweet- ner of mans earthly poflèflion, as the honey-combefweet- ned the Lyon unto Sampfon ; the man that receives not D Ioh.zo.22. (Thrift is in , flraiPhts, in perplexities, fares, doubtiugs, and great diftradions; in the fulneffe of his fufficiency, in the plenitude and prefence of his greatefl worldly abundance, his