Grosse - Houston-Packer Collection BT268 .G91 1632

Betzefetc ofreceiving Chrifi. j. 47 meaner by which Chrifi liveth in the foule therefore is I the CJofpell called the i%ordof g life, revealing and effecting g Ph11.1.16. life in (_-ods chofen ; Chrift bath in hitnfelfe all life, our I life is hid in Chrift, as the life of the branch is hidden in 6 a I,, the rcote, end he that h hath the forne bath life ;hee that S . bath the Son in the Gofpell, as in the, feed of his resene- `'`" ration, as in the infiniment of his converfion, as in the warlike weapon, by which are throwne downe all the firong and mighty holds of Satan, as in the Scepter, by whichChrift loth fway within him, and bind, and bow his heart unto fuhje6tion ; He that bath Chrift in his heart by faith, and love, as a root of life living in him, as a foun- taine tilling hire with his fulneffe, as a King fitting uphis throne within him, as a brideroofne betrothing "hìmf lfe unto him, he bath life ; but he that bath not the /brine hath not life : The ev:ll ofnegie&ing Chilli in the Gofpell is no Idle then eternall death and deftruelion. 2. Chrift recei- 2 Light. ved in the Gofpell giveth tight , fpirituall , heavenly , and `r`9.3 comfortable light ; the receiving of the Shrinegiveth light to the body , the receiving of the Sun of Righteoufneffe giveth light to the futile ; he that doth not embraceChrift in the Cofpell hath no light but all darkneff within him. 3. Chrift received in the Gofpell giveth health, health of 3 Health. fouler Here he commeth with i healing in his wings, the ÿMÌoh'S 5. Angell in k lrethfda cured the bodily impotent, in the Gcfpell Chrifi cureth them that are fpiritually difeafed, here he openeth the eyes of the underftandings which are blinded, ftrengthens the hand of faith which is withered, reifies the feet of the affec} ions which are crooked, pur- gab away the leprofie of the foule which is defiled, Chrift by the Gofpell as by a fpirituall Jordan, works many blef- fed cures upon thefoules of Gods people. 4. recei- ....Honour. I toh.r.ia. ved in the Gofpell giveth honour. He makes them thatre- ceive him in the Gofpell, the t fanner of god by adoption ; the fiends of God , by revelation of the will and mind of God unto them ; !mires of God for that incorruptible inheritance whereof he makes them partakers; the Lords free-men, free from the guilt and punifhment of finne, free from